The Only Cure for Fear

May 23, 2024 1 min read


The only cure for fear is action.

This is something you must understand if you are ever going to make progress in any area of your life.

When you do not take action...

It leads to doubt.

When you have doubt...

It leads to fear.

When you have fear...

It leads to inaction.

Inaction leads to everything you are afraid of.

Break this cycle by taking action regardless of how you feel.

It's the only way to dismantle this cycle.

Because the more action you take...

The less doubt and fear you'll experience.

Which leads to even more action…

Which moves you further away from what you fear.

The next time fear presents itself...

Instead of allowing it to paralyze you like everybody else...

Learn to recognize it as a trigger to get urgent and aggressive in your execution.

You were put here to live a life of significance.

A life that impacts others.

A life that inspires others.

A life that leaves behind a legacy.

Never let fear stand in the way of you making that happen.

I refuse to.

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