The Best Time is Now

August 21, 2023 1 min read

Andy Frisella walking through a building

Most people spend their entire life waiting.

They wait for the perfect opportunity...

They wait for the weight to magically fall off...

They wait until they feel motivated...

They wait for their career to take off...

They wait to get lucky...

...and they wait until it's too late and building the life they dream of is no longer possible for them.

If you find yourself waiting for the perfect time...

You'll be waiting your entire life.

The perfect time doesn't exist.

Take responsibility for your life and the results you've produced so far...

Then take action on producing better results in the future by executing today...


...and every day from here on out.

I can't guarantee you that your life will be exactly what you want...

But what I can guarantee you is this:

1. Doing nothing with the opportunity you have every day to make progress will result in a life that you hate.

2. Every day you show up and put in the work required will get you one step closer to the life you truly want for yourself.

There may not be a "perfect time"...

But there is a best time...

It's now.

If you take advantage of the opportunity you have in front of you today and every day...

The results will be reflected in the outcome of your life.

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