Success Is Meant for You

April 28, 2022 1 min read

Andy laughing

Whether you realize it or not … how you think of yourself will determine the outcome of your life.

Here's how it works...

If you think success in life is reserved for certain "lucky" people, and you don't have what it takes to be successful...

You will close yourself off to success and always struggle.

But if you actually believe you have what it takes to be successful in life as long as you work hard enough, and for long enough...

Nobody can stop you from winning.

This shit isn't rocket science...

The problem is most people don't have belief in themselves because they have never stuck anything out long enough to produce real fruit.

Because they have never stuck anything out long enough to learn how The Universe works (work = results = belief) they falsely believe they dont have what it takes.

Sound familiar?

Here’s the truth...

Success is meant for you...

Just as much as it's meant for me.

Just as much as it's meant for anyone else.

Stop listening to people who have never done anything and start listening to that little bitty meek voice inside that knows you are capable…

…because you are.

You just gotta grind it out until it becomes apparent to you…

…and you’re off to the races.

The work always comes before the belief.

Understand that and work within that framework until it’s not only you who believes…

…it’s the entire world.

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