You know why a lot of people can't win?
Because they fucking hate on other people when they win.
...and when you hate on people when they're winning...
You're actually telling the universe very simply that you do not like winning and you do not want more winning in your life.
That goes for anybody.
It goes for the people you don't like...
It goes for the people you do like.
So when you find yourself hating or being jealous...
You have to pivot and train yourself to be happy when other people win.
You have to send a signal out into the universe that says "I want more of that in my life."
...and if you can't get yourself to do that...
You're never going to have it.
It's literally impossible.
On top of that...
When you hate on other people's wins...
Or it makes you angry and frustrated...
You close yourself off from learning how they won.
...and when you close yourself off from learning how they won...
You are passing right over one of the easiest ways to create wins in your own life by paying attention to what it is they did to create their wins.
Stop hating on other people's wins...
It's the best way to guarantee you don't get any of your own.