Stop Doing This Immediately…

June 06, 2022 1 min read

Andy getting on a plane

You need to stop worrying about what everybody else is doing.

There are so many motherfuckers that make zero progress because they're too busy looking at other people's cars...

Other people's houses...

Other people's relationships...

Other people's careers.

I call this counting other people's money...

...and guess what happens when you count other people's money?

You lose.

You have to understand this...

The more focused you are on what somebody else is doing...

The less you can do for yourself.

Instead, you sit there and stew about how others can afford the life you want to live...

...and get so enamored with someone else's life that you can't take action...

...and ultimately accomplish nothing for yourself.

It's a terrible habit that infects society.

People get so wound up in what others are doing that they don't take their career seriously...

They don't put effort into their personal development...

They don't do the extra work...

They don't educate themselves...

...and they don't end up building the life they want to live.

As a result...

They get angry at the world...

End up bitter as fuck...

Broke as fuck...

Mad as fuck...

...with nothing to show for their entire lives.

That's what counting other people's money is going to get you.

So fucking stop.

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