Start Solving More Problems

August 06, 2024 1 min read

Become a problem solver.

It's one of the most valuable things you can be in your organization.

When you solve more problems...

You help more people...

...and earn more money as a result.

As someone who runs multiple companies...

I promise you this is the truth.

The people who earn the most money...

Are the same people who solve the most problems.

If you're wondering how you can become that person and solve more problems...

Understand that there are an endless number of ways you can solve problems...

None of which have anything to do with just fixing a mistake.

Holding your team accountable is solving a problem.

Making systems and processes more efficient is solving a problem.

Teaching your teammates new skills is solving a problem.

Enforcing a high standard is solving a problem.

Accepting responsibility for yourself and your actions is solving a problem.

Regardless of what your role is...

There will be no shortage of problems for you to solve.

Learn to anticipate these problems and address them before they even become an issue.

If you can do that...

Your value will be undeniable...

...and your paycheck will be a reflection of that value.

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