Originality Is a Major Asset

December 03, 2021 1 min read

Andy standing in front of a Chevelle

No matter where you are in life…

You look up to people…

There are people you admire and learn from through observation…

There are people that you actually get to know in real life and get to learn from them up close.

…but no matter how smart, how cool, or how much you admire these people…

…you should never want to be EXACTLY like them.

I see people all the time who try to emulate other people so much…

That they try to talk like them…

They try to dress like them…

They try to be them.

They think by doing all that…

…and replicating everything the other person is doing…

That they will achieve the same success, money, and fame…

But they are wrong!

Originality is a major asset.

The key is to learn and take the lessons from the lives of successful people…

Then apply those lessons in your own life…

Without diluting who the fuck you are.

Don’t become a carbon copy of someone else…

There are already a ton of them in the world.

If you want to become unforgettable…

Be yourself.


Without apologizing.

Nobody can be you better than you.


It’s the ultimate competitive advantage.

…and it’s way more fucking fun.

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