Only You Can Solve Your Problems

July 19, 2023 1 min read

Andy Frisella talking to a crowd

There is no "one thing" that will make all of your problems disappear.

No amount of money...

No relationship or connection...

No career...

No place you move to...

No method you try...


This is flawed thinking.

You will always have struggles and challenges...

That's just the way it is.

If I told you any different ... I'd be full of shit.

So here's an idea...

Instead of working to escape from your problems and living with the expectation that one specific solution will change everything for you...

Why don't you start building yourself into someone who can handle any challenge by continually addressing and solving your problems?

Losers wish for their problems to go away...

Winners get busy working on a solution to overcome their problems.

...and through the process of repeatedly solving their problems...

They equip themselves with the necessary skills to handle any challenge they're faced with in the future.

No "one thing" can solve your problems...

Only you can.

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