One Thing All Successful People Do

October 20, 2020 2 min read

Andy with a hard hat on

How many times have you seen people going through the same things over and over again…

And staying stuck in the same spot?

You see people working hard in the gym … but even after a long time, there’s almost no changes to their body…

You see people working hard on their finances, and yet year after year … they are still struggling with handling their money…

You see people going on dates non-stop, but still desperate for a meaningful relationship…

Why is that?

Why is it that people do the work but they still lack what they really desire?

Let me tell you what it is…

It’s something that every successful person in this world takes seriously…

And puts into practice every single day…


Most of the people in this world who are constantly “stuck”…

Don’t do the required work needed…

And the ones who do the work and still struggle…

Are the ones who don’t grasp the concept of “intent” in its entirety.

Successful people live with intent in every action they take.

They know proper intent is a crucial component of the work they put in.

Just going through the motions isn’t enough for meaningful long-term success.

A person working out with intent feels each and every rep moving the muscle.

A person running a business with the proper intent pays close attention to their customer’s needs, and does whatever it takes to exceed expectations.

No matter what they do…

They live and breathe it…

And their intent is carefully in tune with their actions and with the result they desire.

Implement this in your life.

Whatever you do today…

And every day from now on…

Give it your all…

And practice doing it with the proper intent.

It will have a direct effect on the quality and speed of the results you wish to have.

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