Now What?

January 15, 2021 1 min read

Andy with a white hard hat on

When you begin developing into the person you really are...

And start forming massive goals and ambitions...

The people close to you don't always take it well.

In fact, when I first started in business...

People would say things like this...

"Hey Andy, are you still messing around with that little vitamin shop?"


"When are you going to get a real job?"

These people are going to laugh...

Call you crazy…

Talk shit…

Tell you to be realistic…

And tell you it’s impossible…


Are you going to let people’s opinions control your actions?

Are you going to let them control your life?

These people aren't going to matter to you 10 years from now...

So why would you let them keep you from becoming the best version of yourself now?

You shouldn't.

And if you really want to build the life you want...

You won't.

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