Nothing is Guaranteed

February 06, 2024 1 min read

Andy Frisella sitting at a table

Most people want a guarantee before they go out and take any action toward accomplishing their goals.

They want to know that as long as they do X...

The result will always be Y.

That's not how it works.

The truth is...

Nothing in life is guaranteed.


...and expecting to have all of the answers before you've put in the work required isn't only arrogant...

It's also ignorant because you fail to recognize that the answers can only be found in the lessons and experiences derived from the journey itself...

Which quite literally means having all the answers before you get started is impossible.

The closest thing you will ever get to a "guarantee" is this...

If you show up consistently...

Execute at a high level...

Hold yourself accountable...

...and constantly work to improve your skill set...

While the outcome may not be certain...

You’re going to be a hell of a lot better off than you are now.

That's the truth.

The only real guarantee is that if you do nothing you are guaranteed to lose.

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