My Hope for You...

January 29, 2024 2 min read

Andy Frisella walking through a door

I show up every single day and put myself through hell for two reasons...

1. I've come to understand that in order to produce the outcome I'm after...

Discomfort is required.

2. I know that if I practice what I preach and show others what's possible through my example...

More of these people will see the journey through to the end as a result.

For most of my life...

This wasn't the case.

I wasted a significant amount of time partying...


Hanging out with the wrong people...

Stuck in my bad habits...

...and accepting a low standard for myself and my life.

To this day, this is still one of my biggest regrets...

...and trust me...

I have very few real regrets in life.

I’m embarrassed of who I used to be in a lot of ways…

…but also in a lot of ways I’m thankful for it because I learned how to be better.

I share this with you because I don't want to see you make the same mistakes I made.

In fact...

My hope is that you do the opposite without having to learn the hard way.

My hope is that you show up every day to compete.

My hope is that you show up every day to execute at the highest level possible.

My hope is that you see the good in people but recognize when someone isn’t living to your standard.

My hope is that you show up every day to give your goals everything you have until your tank is empty.

My hope is that you keep showing up to do these things even when the conditions are the worst they can possibly be and there's nothing you'd rather do than quit.

Because I promise you...

That’s what matters most.

Keep it moving and keep in mind…

Every day you waste stifling your potential...

Is another day you will regret down the road.

Start today.

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