My Definition of Success

January 23, 2021 2 min read

Andy speaking

I define success as:

“The commitment to the constant pursuit of your true potential.”

Let me tell you a quick story behind how I came up with that…

When I was about 14-15 years into my business…

I got pneumonia…

And I was laying on my couch watching the movie “Pacific Rim”...

I remember watching that movie about 47 times in a 3 week period…

And whenever I'd look at my phone…

I was watching our sales…

Watching our company…

And thinking to myself…

“Dude, this is crazy!”

I was sitting there making money from my couch…

And I didn't have to do shit.

I could do this for the rest of my life...

And I would never have to do any work…


At the same time…

I had let myself slide in terms of my physique…

Telling myself lies like “You are busy…”

“You are not the front of the show anymore…”

“It’s not that big of a deal anymore…”

I went from an in-shape athlete…

To a 350lb guy, justifying sitting on the couch and doing nothing.

It was that moment on the couch when I had pneumonia…

When it clicked for me…

And I had some sort of epiphany in my mind…

That this isn’t what success is.

You can still be “successful” according to the standards set by the world…

You can make all the money you want in life…

You can have a successful company…

You can have all the cars and the houses and the vacations…

But if you don’t CONNECT with what you are SUPPOSED TO BE…

If you are not truly PASSIONATE about what you do on a daily basis…

You will never really be successful.

Real success is the commitment to become the best version of yourself on a daily basis.

That moment led to the mentality that I have right now.

And I still carry that to this day.

Once you start implementing this in your life…

There is nothing you can’t achieve.

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