Make This a Priority Today

December 25, 2023 1 min read


When I first started in business I was 3 hours from home and ran a retail business.

That meant we were open on Christmas Eve and open the day after Christmas.

I spent a number of Christmas Days alone during that time of my life.

It sucked. It hurt.

Now with social media it’s 1000x worse.

Everyone is showcasing their “perfect life” with their matching pajama photoshoots, gifts and fancy meals…

…and that’s fine, but remember not everyone is as fortunate.

Many people spend every Christmas alone.

So my message today is very simple.

Be mindful.

Today especially.

With all the chaos, unrest, and hate in the world…

Remember to make it a priority to do these two things today…

1. If you are fortunate enough to have them … spend some time with your family and friends.

Cherish them…

Spend quality time with them…

Make lifelong memories.

It's essential.

…and just because you have it today doesn’t mean things can’t change fast.

2. Be kind to people.

There are a lot of people who don’t have what you have…

...and who don’t get to celebrate Christmas like you do.

They don’t have nice meals or gifts or matching pajama family photos.

Be mindful.

Give them hope.

Spread kindness with your actions.

Help them feel loved and appreciated too.

That's what matters.

Merry Christmas.

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