Make The Right Choice…

February 21, 2022 1 min read

Andy shaking hands with someone

You have two choices every single time you meet or interact with somebody...

A. You can bring them up...

Make their day...

...and make them feel better about themselves.


B. You can be like most people and leave an indifferent or negative impression.

If you're not choosing option A...

You're leaving a lot on the table when it comes to your long-term value.

Here's why...

Not only is treating everyone with respect the RIGHT THING TO DO...

But you also never know who is going to re-enter your life...

...and you definitely don't know who the people you talk to are connected with.

Your interactions can quite literally make or break you one day.

If people aren't excited to see you when you walk into a room...

You have work to do.

If you truly want to build a successful life...

Treat every single interaction as if it's the most important conversation you'll have today.

There is no better strategy for success in business and in life.

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