Losers see someone who's killing it in life and think...
"They got lucky."
Winners see someone who's killing it in life and think...
"They worked their ass off."
Not at all.
Instead of humbling themselves and taking a look in the mirror...
Losers make excuses and point the finger at external circumstances like "luck" to protect their ego and justify their lack of action.
Winners know better.
They understand that luck is the exception when it comes to success ... not the norm.
It's the .01%.
The remaining 99.99% of the people you see living the life you want had to suffer...
...and work their fucking ass off for YEARS before they even got a small taste of success.
Your journey will be no different.
Mine wasn't ... and I still get called “lucky.”
Learn to see success for what it really is.
It's not "luck.”
It's the work.
Anything else you've been told is bullshit.
That's the truth.