It’s Your Fault

March 13, 2024 1 min read

Andy Frisella working out

All the good that you have in your life…

…is because of you.

All the bad that you have in your life…

…is also because of you.

Most people are very quick in throwing the blame on others for the shit that they haven’t done in their life.

“I couldn’t start a business because of ____”

“I couldn’t excel in sports because of ____”

“I always wanted to do ____ but never could because of _____”

All bullshit.

Let me tell you the truth:

Outside of very few circumstances…

It’s 100% your fault.

Whenever there is any sort of failure…

You have no one to blame but you.

Your actions or inactions.

You take that, adjust course and keep moving.

Most people never do that and instead blame others for everything they couldn’t do or become in their lives.

Don’t be one of them.

Accept your fault…

Whatever it is.

And see everything take off faster than you could ever imagine.

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