It Was All "Just An Idea"

December 08, 2021 1 min read

Andy walking on a plane.

Take a moment and grasp this concept…

Every fucking thing around you was once just an idea in someone’s mind.

The screen you are reading this on…

The shirt you are wearing…

The car that you drive…

The plane flying above you in the air…

The house that you live in…

All of it…

...was just a figment of someone’s imagination at one point in time.

It was all “just an idea.”

So, why do you think that whatever you have in your mind isn’t possible?

Whether it’s the amount of money that you want to make…

The kind of life that you desire…

Or the new product you thought of that could change millions of people’s lives…

This concept applies to everything.

Dream big … and develop a solid belief that you can do that shit.

Then go after it every single day…

And keep working on it until you make your ideas a reality.

All of the greatest inventions & advances in society have come from “crazy” ideas that were impossible…

…until they weren’t.

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