It Rarely Gets Easier

May 13, 2022 1 min read

Andy talking to a group of people

I respect the fuck out of people who really try.

Not the people who pretend to try that infest the feel-good movements of the world.

I'm talking about all you people out there that stopped listening to your inner bitch and are hard at work actually building a better you and a better life.

I'm talking about the motherfuckers who keep getting punched in the face and still show up and give it what they've got.

If that's you...

I respect the fuck out of that.

You will absolutely win if you keep going.

You will be proud if you keep fighting.

You will become that person within that you know you are … but nobody else even fucking knows about yet.

Keep going.

It rarely gets easier.

...But keep fucking going.

It's worth it.

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