How Are You Really Doing Your Job?

September 21, 2020 1 min read

Andy standing next to his car

If you are put in front of a crowd…

A crowd full of people who are the decision makers for the rise of your career and life…

And you are asked…

“Are you doing the best you can do at your job?”

What would you answer?

Think about that for a minute.

Before pointing fingers at someone…

Before you say how unfortunate your situation is…

Before you talk about how your co-worker has an advantage over you…

Before you start any of that whining and crying…

Ask yourself…

Are you REALLY doing your best at your job?

You don’t even have to answer me.

This is for you to ask yourself when you are alone…

When you are just by yourself…

When there is no filter…

Like when you think deep thoughts in the shower…

When no one knows about it but you…

Question yourself…

And the real honest response that comes from your deep conscious…

Will tell you why you are slacking.

And suddenly, you will think of 2, 3, or 12 ways that you can improve…

And if you are really serious about leveling up in life…

You will carefully listen to those…

And you will work on them.

But if you keep pretending…

And keep doing just the bare minimum…

And drag your way through life…

One day when the curtain falls down…

And your show ends…

The amount of regret that hits you at your deathbed…

Will be unbearable.

Take action while you can.

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