Greatness is Impossible to Ignore

December 17, 2022 1 min read

Andy talking to people

A lot of people sit around and wait for someone to notice them.

They think that if they just continue to show up … that somebody is eventually going to come along...

Recognize their talents and skills...

...and make them a success.

If you truly believe this...

You're dead wrong.

Nobody is going to notice you...

Nobody is going to give you recognition...

Nobody is going to wave a magical wand and grant you success.

If you actually want to get noticed...

You have to FORCE it by making your contribution undeniable.

Develop your skillset…

Become a master of your craft...

Build something incredible... (hint: SOMETHING = YOURSELF)

Hold yourself to a high standard…

Bring others on the journey with you…

…and turn yourself into a motherfucking warrior.

Only then will you draw attention to yourself and earn the recognition you're looking for.

True greatness can't be overlooked.

Greatness is impossible to ignore.

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