Good employees understand the plan...
They execute on the plan...
...and are fairly consistent in their execution.
These people will clock in…
Work for 8 hours…
Clock out...
Go home...
Collect their paycheck...
...and live a “normal” life.
They are cogs, and can easily be replaced if they decide to leave.
Great employees are much different...
Not only do they understand the plan...
Execute the plan...
...and are consistent in their execution...
They also find holes in the plan...
Create solutions to fix the problems they find...
...and they replicate their execution and attention to detail in the people around them.
These are the motherfuckers that get PAID.
So if you’re not happy where you are, ask yourself this...
Are you executing?
Are you leading by example?
Are you not only finding problems, but fixing them too?
Are you teaching those around you how to get better, so that you all win?
Because if you're not...
Don't expect to get the things you say you want in life.