Start Focusing On Winning Today

January 03, 2021 2 min read

Andy walking and smiling

I get asked this question all the time...

"Andy, what is your strategy for achieving your goals?"

The answer is really simple...

Win the day.

This is a strategy I've stuck with for decades.

Here's what you do...

Create a list of 5 "critical tasks" every day.

No more than 5, and no less than 5.

If you focus and execute on these 5 critical tasks...

One day at a time...

You'll win.

But what are these critical tasks?

Let's start with what they aren't.

They aren't things like folding your laundry...

Brushing your teeth...

Or doing the dishes.

That's weak as fuck.

They are not checklist tasks...

And they aren't habits you already have either.

Critical tasks are things you normally wouldn't do that are designed to help you advance in your life...

Your career...

Your relationships...

And whatever it is that you want to materialize in your life.

You could read 10 pages of a personal development book...

Make a new business contact...

Write 5 extra emails...

The list of possibilities goes on, and depends on what you're looking to accomplish.

If you complete all 5 of these tasks, you win the day.

If you fail to complete any 5 of these tasks...

You lose the day.

This is a tool I call The Power List...

The ultimate success tool.

So, did you win the day?

Because when you start stacking up the wins...

You build momentum.

And guess what?

Over time, you'll start to experience some success as a result of your wins.

What would your week look like if you won all 7 days?

What would your month look like if you won all 4 weeks?

What would your year look like if you won all 365 days?

What would your life look like?

In my experience, it'll start to look pretty fucking great.

So if you want to achieve your goals...

And win big in life...

Focus on winning today.


P.S. I did an entire podcast about this.  Click Here to listen to it.

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