Everyone Is Weird...

June 04, 2021 1 min read

Andy walking in the rain laughing

Social media has become a huge part of our lives and our reality...

That's a fact.

In a lot of ways, social media is amazing.

It allows us to stay connected with friends and family that we may otherwise not be able to communicate with as often.

On the other hand, I see one massive problem with social media...

People are working so hard to create this fake persona online ... when it's not who they actually are in reality.

Look, we all want to have friends...

We all want to be popular...

We all want social acceptance...

...and that's okay...

But when you try to become something you aren't...

You're going to feel unhappy...

...and chances are you'll eventually be labeled as a fraud.

Everyone is weird...

It's not just you.

When you free yourself to be who you truly are...

You will attract people who are just like you.

Your uniqueness is your superpower, and way more people will follow you and love your content if you are genuine.

Trust me...

The best way you can stand out is to just be yourself.

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