When you make people feel important and better about themselves in your interactions...
You are creating a tremendous amount of long-term value in yourself.
This is what most people fail to understand.
They only treat people well when they think there's something to gain.
The reality is...
You never know who's going to come back around in your life.
...and how these people perceive you from your interactions with them in the past can literally be what makes or breaks you one day.
It doesn't matter whether you own a business or work inside of one.
Every interaction you have leaves a long-lasting impression.
Good, bad, or indifferent.
Make sure that impression is one that will serve you in the future.
It pays well to have people think highly of you and respect you for how you treat them.
More importantly...
Isn't being nice and respectful to everyone you meet just the right thing to do?
I think so.
So should you.
Never lose sight of this.