Don't Forget To Do This Every Once In A While...

June 19, 2020 2 min read

Andy riding dirtbikes

When you’re hungry, ambitious, and working day in and day out “to be something” can be really easy to miss out on some of the best parts of your life.

Tunnel vision toward a goal is very effective…I’ve had it my entire life...and it’s great!

But don’t ever think I don’t have a few regrets about missing out on certain things during the time that has passed...when I could’ve just as easily been exactly where I am and still enjoyed the process.

Don’t get confused...I love my life. To be able to do the things I’ve been able to do with the AMAZING people I’ve been able to do it nothing short of surreal when I stop to think about it.

But, I’ve spent over twenty in & day out, focused and running at full-speed

… and although I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world...if I could do it over again, I would take a few more opportunities to enjoy the people around me and “smell the roses” so to speak.

Try to remember this: It’s not all about these buzz words: “Hustle”, “Grind”, and “Sacrifice” all of the time...most of the time YES...but not all of the time.

Don’t skip ALL the BBQ’s, family get-togethers & opportunities for a beer with your friends.

Stick your head up once in a while and enjoy what’s going on around you. Don’t use this as an excuse to be lazy...and I know some will take it that way...but if you are a REAL HUSTLER...remember what I’m saying.

In the end, it’s going to be the people who matter most. Impact them, contribute to them, improve them, and appreciate them...and they will do the same to you.


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