Do You Want To Become a Millionaire?

February 03, 2022 1 min read

Andy standing with sunglasses on

A lot of you like to approach me and talk about how badly you want to become a millionaire...

Which is great!

I fully support people who have big visions for their future.

But let me ask you this...

Are you operating like a millionaire right now?

Or are you fucking off and barely making ends meet because "It doesn't matter right now"...

Most people will wait and wait for their chance to earn millions...

That's not how it works.

Take inventory of how you're using your time...

Take inventory of your daily effort...

Take inventory of your habits...

Do they align with what it takes to be a millionaire?

If they don't...

Don't expect shit.

The people who end up doing the shit they say they want to accomplish all have one thing in common…

They think and operate as if they're already there.

They believe they have already achieved their goals and are just waiting for time to pass...

Then, they reinforce these thoughts with consistent action.

Talk like your future self would talk...

Walk like your future self would walk...

Act like your future self would act...

Execute like your future self would execute...

Surround yourself with people that your future self would hang out with…

That's the only way you'll ever get there.

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