Do You Really Care?

August 27, 2023 1 min read

Andy Frisella speaking

If you truly care about yourself...

You'd hold yourself accountable to doing the shit you know you need to do to build the life you want for yourself.

If you truly care about others...

You'd do the same.

But most people think that setting a high standard...

Holding people accountable...

Teaching them the necessary skills...

...and pushing them to be great is somehow "rude behavior."

Consider this...

If you saw somebody you love falling short on the promises they made to themself...

What would you do?

Would you be "nice", gentle, accepting, and watch them fall short of their potential in life?

Do you think that's what it means to care about them?

...Or is that a corner you're cutting to avoid having the difficult conversations they need to get back on track and build a life that makes them feel truly fulfilled?

Understand that by being "nice" ... you're actually just cheating yourself and the people you care about most.

Real love and care is derived from your willingness to hold yourself and the people around you accountable to becoming great.

I'm never hard on people if I don't care...

I'm hard on people because I do.

Do the same for the people you care about...

...and they will forever be grateful.

Including yourself.

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