Do You Believe?

August 24, 2020 1 min read

Andy running

You’ve probably heard this quote:

“The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.”

Have you thought deeply about it?

What is the difference between the consistent winners and the people who quit?

One works harder than another? Yes, but it’s more than that.

It’s about how much the winners BELIEVE they can actually do it.

It’s their belief and their relentlessness which fuels their work ethic…

It’s what makes them resilient…

It’s what makes them NOT give up even when they desperately want to…

It’s their belief which makes them stronger.

The quitters doubt themselves and when the times get tough…

They start questioning themselves…

And develop one crack after another in their conviction…

And soon the “dreams” and “aspirations” are shattered.

You need to believe so hard in your vision that even if the whole world is against you…

And even if all the conditions are lined up in opposition of your goals…

You keep extracting energy from your belief system...

And keep going full-throttle in the right direction.

If you want to have success in the long-term…

Real and long-lasting success...

Then you have to have such unshaken belief in your core.

Ask this question everyday to yourself…

Do you believe?

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