Delay Your Gratification

January 02, 2022 2 min read

Andy looking at a Ferrari

If you're trying to build a business or become financially successful in life...

You have to make it a priority.

I know this sounds very simple and obvious...

...and that's because it is.

Yet so many of you are looking for a different answer.

Here's the real issue...

You get sidetracked because of the Instagram culture of entrepreneurs who paint a false reality of what it's actually about.

They start running around with their watches and cars the moment they earn their first couple of bucks...

Which is why they never end up being truly successful or building anything substantial.

When I was in my young days of entrepreneurship...

Really up until my 30's...

I lived like I was broke.

I spent 10 fucking years re-investing everything I had into my company...

Which happens to be the reason why I have multiple big companies now.

If you're trying to build something great...

Or even just unlock true financial freedom...

You have to live below your means...

You have to live uncomfortably for as long as you can...

You have to sacrifice the cool shit now for the even cooler shit later...

...and you have to understand that it's an investment in your future.

There is no quick way to do shit.

You aren't going to get there by spending all of your money on bullshit.

Part of you will want to do that...

But, when you're spending 70% of your income to put on a front for somebody...

You will never get where you're trying to go.

You need to understand the concept of delayed gratification.

Here's what it comes down to...

You can either pretend to have it now...


You can actually have it later.

The choice is yours to make.

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