Comparison is a tool...
...and if you use it correctly...
It can help you make significant progress in life.
Most people will tell you "comparison is the thief of joy."
While this can be true...
It only will be if you allow comparison to make you frustrated and bitter.
The key to comparison is developing a realistic understanding of where the people you compare yourself to are on their journey vs where you are on yours.
It's easy to look at someone who is much further down the road than us and get upset.
But when you actually audit yourself against these people...
Can you honestly say you've put in the same time, effort, and energy that they have?
Consider the skills...
The habits...
The mindset...
...and all the other qualities these people have developed to get them wherever it is they are now...
Then use this information to guide your own progress and personal growth.
Learn to use comparison to your advantage.
If you truly want to win and make something of yourself and your life...
It's required.