Commit to Your Path

October 03, 2023 1 min read

Andy standing in a kitchen

Every single person you look up to and aspire to be is no different than you.

They aren't special...

They aren't more capable...

They don’t have better circumstances...

They don't have unique abilities...

These people just made the commitment to keep learning, improving, and working harder no matter how badly they wanted to quit.

The only reason you think otherwise is because all you see is the end result...

You didn't see the journey it took for these people to achieve the end result.

You didn't see the failure...

You didn't see the suffering...

You didn't see the stress...

You didn't see the late nights...

You didn't see the early mornings...

You didn't see the sacrifice...

...and because you didn't see the path they had to take to get them to where they're at now...

You assume these people have something you don't … or that it was somehow easier for them.


Understand that whatever it is these people have in them...

You have in yourself as well.

You just haven't been committed to your path for long enough to make something out of yourself.

Make the commitment and keep moving.

Do it for long enough...

...and you'll begin to realize that you are just as capable as them.

These people breathe the air you breathe.

These people bleed just like you.

Never forget that.

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