Become the Master of Your Craft

March 02, 2024 1 min read

Andy Frisella on stage

Most people think that just by doing the bare minimum and “waiting their turn”…

Someone will suddenly recognize their talents…

…and give them the rewards and recognition they think they deserve.

That couldn’t be further from the truth.

No one is going to give you anything worthwhile just because you put in the time…

Or waited your turn.

You have to be so exceedingly excellent at what you do…

That your work forces people to notice you.

Become the ultimate master of your craft…

Set the example for how it should be done…

…and inspire others to take on their own journey.

When you do that…

Your performance & the work you’re doing will be impossible to ignore.

Only undeniable performers will earn the rewards.

Most people never understand this…

…and piss away all of their life waiting for someone to come notice them and hand them the life they want.

If you want a shot at achieving your goals…

You have to become undeniable in your craft.

Thats what it takes.

Becoming undeniable.

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