You could read every book...
You could go to every conference…
You could buy every program...
But as long as you're unwilling to do the things you keep saying you're going to do...
Nothing will happen for you.
This is how 99% of people operate.
They'll blame...
They'll justify...
They'll pout...
...and they'll spend all of their time and energy looking for the "secret" or the corner to cut...
While the remaining 1% of people get to work and make shit happen.
You have every single tool, lesson, and resource you could possibly need to succeed ... and it can all be accessed at the touch of your fingertips.
Literally ... it's called the internet.
Your lack of information isn't your problem...
Your lack of grit and determination is.
Quit looking for an easy answer or solution to getting where you're trying to go...
There isn't one.
It's work.
Always has been...
Always will be.