I have a question for you...
One which might shift your perspective...
Here it is:
Would you rather live a life that has no impact on others...
One that leaves no legacy or mark on the world when you die...
One that has no meaning in the grand scheme of time, essentially making your existence irrelevant?
Would you rather live a life with intention...
One that has a huge impact on others...
Makes the world a greater place...
And leaves a legacy and standard of achievement and strength for years to come?
Most people will obviously say the 2nd is the path they choose.
A few people will even say they are willing to do the work required to build that life.
An even smaller amount, maybe 2 out of every 100 people, will ACTUALLY DO the work required to build that life.
Most won’t do shit.
You know it.
I know it.
So I guess the real question is ... which life do you REALLY choose?
Because you already tell the world your choice with your actions every single day.
Something to think about.