Understand that there is a huge difference between asking for someone's advice and seeking validation.
Winners constantly search for knowledge and information that will help fuel their growth and development.
They constantly challenge what they know...
They seek out perspectives outside of their own...
They humble themselves to the process of learning...
This is exactly why they fucking win.
On the other hand, losers look for someone to validate their thoughts and opinions … which fuels their ego and ultimately leads to their downfall.
They never challenge what they know...
They avoid perspectives outside of their own...
They think they already know everything...
This is exactly why they fucking lose.
You have to be conscious of this in your own life.
Are you seeking knowledge and advice that will lead you to the REAL truth...
Or do you just want someone to validate your existing opinions/beliefs?
Be very careful...
Your ego will get you killed if you can't control it.