After doing many speaking engagements, I was getting tired of people not taking action with the knowledge I would give. Awhile back, I spoke at Sundance Film Festival, and on the way home, I realized why they weren’t taking action…
You can talk to adults all you want, but once their values are set, they’re set. It’s hard to get people to change the way they do things when they’ve been taught a certain way their entire life.
I immediately thought I should write books for teenagers … But as I thought more and more about it, I determined their values are already created and set by the time they are teenagers.
As we were about to land back home in St. Louis, I said to my wife and Tyler, jokingly, “We should be writing children’s books.” As soon as I said it, I knew that is exactly what I needed to do.
If you can catch someone in the beginning of their life, before they have specific values set in stone, you can truly make a huge difference. The purpose of these books are to provide parents with a tool to teach their children the principles needed to be successful, in a way that they can relate and understand at a young age.