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Great book! It truly made an impact in my life doing the 75 hard program!
My new book, The Book on Mental Toughness, is available for pre-order HERE. The first run sold out before launch ... and the second run is going fast ... Get your copy today!
Have you ever wondered what it is that separates people who seem to win at everything in life from "everyone else"?
What if you could completely transform yourself into someone who could do anything you ever wanted to?
What if YOU became one of these amazing people who seem to win at everything in life?
How different would your life look compared to the one you currently lead?
These days it's popular for everyone to tell themselves that they are "special" or "great" ... but it's just talk.
It's not reality.
This book will help you unlock your true potential.
75 HARD is the only program that can permanently change your life ... from your way of thinking, to the level of discipline you approach every single task in front of you with.
75 HARD is about mental toughness.
75 HARD will show you how to 100x the following traits in your life...
• Mental Toughness
• Mental Fortitude
• Confidence
• Self-esteem
• Self-worth
• Self-belief
• Grit
Stop talking and dreaming about the stuff you want ... read 75 HARD and start taking the steps to make REAL changes.
I guarantee if you follow the plan I lay out for you in this book, exactly as I tell you to do it, with zero compromises and zero substitutions...
...you and your life will never be the same.