You aren't a slave to your past.
It doesn't own you...
It doesn't direct you...
It doesn't tell you what you'll accomplish...
...or who you're going to be.
Your past...
Your experiences...
...and all the shit you've gone through...
Are there to serve you.
Your past actually has the most important purpose out of anything going on in your life.
They're all lessons you can use to guide you in the direction you want to go.
The problem is this...
People chain themselves to who they were, and don't even consider who they have the potential to become.
They identify with who they were last year...
Who they were five years ago...
Who they were ten years ago...
...and feel like they can't break out of it.
Because of this...
These people stay the same.
If this is you...
You have to cut yourself some slack...
Let yourself off the hook for the actions, decisions, and failures from your past...
...and drop the heavy burden that you're carrying with you.
We all grow...
We all change...
We all become new people...
Use your past to become the person you truly want to become.
That's when you'll gain true control.