You Don’t Need All the Answers

July 10, 2024 1 min read

You and I will never have all the answers…

But having all the answers shouldn't be your goal.

Your goals should be to find the answers you need when you need them.

Because the truth is...

You don't need to have all the answers now.

In fact ... you don't need to have any of the answers.

What you need is to take action.

By trying and failing...

Learning from these failures...

...and continuing to show up every single day...

You will build the skills and find the answers necessary to win.

This is the game.

The longer you keep yourself in the game...

The more narrow your margin for error becomes.

...and the more you win.

Quit paralyzing yourself over fear of the unknown.

You don't need to know.

You need to go.

Then you need to keep going and never fucking quit.

If you can do that...

All the answers you need will come.

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