Every time I talk about doing the work required to become great...
I get some smart ass who comments "it's about working smarter.”
No shit.
It's implied that you have a game plan and are intelligent enough to operate with efficiency.
If you can't do that...
You're going to lose.
What you need to understand is this...
It's not about working hard OR working smart.
It's about working hard AND working smart.
But at the end of the day...
What is it that people actually struggle with?
9 times out of 10 ... it's execution.
You’ll build the skills you need on the journey...
Doing the work is a decision you must make every day.
It's not fun...
It's not sexy...
It's not popular...
But it's required.
Don't use "working smarter" as a cop-out for paying the real price it takes to make your dreams a reality.
Work smart and put in the fucking work...
It's the only path to achieving greatness.