What Do You Have to Offer?

March 02, 2021 1 min read

Andy talking on stage

Building great relationships with others is very much like being great at sales...

It's not about what you can get...

It's about what you can give.

If you are having trouble finding quality people...

Or unhappy with the relationships you have currently... 

Ask yourself this:

What do I have to offer high quality people?

What do I bring to the table?

Do I possess the qualities that high quality people appreciate? 

Do I take care of myself?

Am I ambitious?

Am I driven?

Am I a good provider?

Am I a morally sound person?

Am I drama-free?

Am I fun? 

Do I have a sense of humor? 

Am I a giver?

Do I have, or am I working on a quality career?

I could go on and on...

THESE THINGS MATTER if you want high quality relationships.

At the end of the day it comes down to this:

If you want high quality...


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