Use Momentum to Your Advantage

July 28, 2024 1 min read


We all have control of our momentum ... and it's one of the single most powerful tools at our disposal to create massive progress and wins.

The problem is...

Most people have no idea how to harness its power.

They think momentum is some magical phenomenon that comes and goes without warning.

...But that couldn't be further from the truth.

All highly successful people have learned how to manufacture momentum and use it to their advantage.

They don't wait for it...

They force it into existence.

If you're wondering how to create momentum and a feeling of being unstoppable...

It's very simple.

Start executing on your tasks every single day with 0 compromise.

Once you've pushed yourself through enough days...

Things will get a little easier.

Less of your days will feel forced.

...and momentum will begin to work in your favor.

The longer you can maintain this momentum and continue to build upon it...

The more progress you will make.

...but this comes with a catch.

As soon as you lower your standard...

Cut corners...

Skip tasks...

...or compromise in any way...

Momentum will disappear in an instant.

Don't let that be the case.

Momentum can only serve you if you exercise the discipline to maintain it.

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