Time Is A Currency…

August 25, 2022 1 min read

Andy walking

You need to start thinking of your time like a currency...

No different than money.

You can't outspend it.

You can't outwork it.

But the better you spend it...

The better your return on investment.

You need to understand that everything worthwhile costs time.

...and it will always be a factor when it comes to your success.

Most people make two big mistakes when it comes to time...

1. They think they have all the time in the world.

2. They don't give themselves enough time to grow and their goals enough time to materialize.

You have to learn how to balance being realistic with time … while still being aggressive with your goals.

There is only so much you can do...

Then you have to let time take over.

Time is the magic ingredient that amplifies every effort you make.

Be patient…

But stay aggressive.

Success is a marathon.

Don't get to Mile 20 … get frustrated … and quit.

Otherwise, you'll never reach your end goal.

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