This Investment Comes First

July 24, 2024 1 min read


Every decision you make should be with your long-term plan in mind.

...and as someone who has built several successful businesses from the ground up...

I promise you...

The real flex isn't the car...

The house...

…or any of that shit.

The real flex is building something so great that its impact and influence are undeniable.

Know your limits and don't do dumb shit that hurts you financially.

Invest in your assets and your machines first.

I'm not saying you can't go out and enjoy your success by giving yourself a taste every now and then...

But make sure you are prioritizing your future and long-term goals before cashing in on the fruits of your labor.

I didn't buy my first "fun" car until I was 11 years into business.

There have been plenty of times where I haven't even received a paycheck from any of my companies so I could invest in the necessary resources to scale them.

Take that into consideration the next time you decide to "treat yourself.”

If it's a decision that the ultimate version of yourself wouldn't make...

Don't make it.

It's that simple.

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