There is No Special Path...

November 15, 2022 2 min read

Andy talking to a group

I saw this meme the other day that said: "Be so good, they can't ignore you."

...and the irony hit me.

A lot of you guys are on social media all day looking for the hack.

You're following all these people...

You're trying to figure out the fastest way to get where you want to go...

...and I'm going to tell you what the fastest way is.

The fastest way is very simple...

Dedicate yourself to becoming fucking great.

Do you really think you're gonna learn shit from some random motherfucker on the internet who really hasn't done much?

There is no hack.

There is no special path.

...and I'll tell you who certainly doesn't have the hack…

It isn't these people on the internet who aren't living the way you want to live...

They don't look the way you want to look...

They don't sound the way you want to sound...

They don't earn the way you want to earn...

They haven't built the shit you want to build...

But they've got the answer?

Wise up.

There's no hack.

It's work.

It's doing the shit nobody wants to do.

It's doing the shit nobody else will do.

So stop listening to all these motherfuckers and start subscribing to the truth...

The real truth.

You have to become great … or you won't get shit.

But how do you become great?

Well, it's real simple...

Start now … then go out and make a whole bunch of mistakes.

You're going to fuck everything up...

But every single time … you're going to learn something new.

If you're intelligent enough to not make the same mistakes more than once...

...and if you're gritty enough and disciplined enough to continue down the path years past the time that you want to quit...

You will get where you want to go.

There will be no denying you.

Greatness cannot be denied.

Skills cannot be denied.

If you're great, and you're great enough...

There will be a place for you at the table.

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