Don't let anybody influence you into thinking there are rules for what you're supposed to do or who you're supposed to be.
There are no rules.
We're taught otherwise at a young age and made to believe that we are "supposed to" live this way or "supposed to" act that way...
Please read the following as many times as it takes for you to truly understand it:
Your purpose is to break free from the expectations others have for you and start building a life on your own terms.
Who you're supposed to be and who you're supposed to become is not dictated by your parents.
It's not dictated by your peers.
It's not dictated by your spouse.
It's not dictated by your boss.
It's not dictated by society.
It's dictated by YOU.
Fuck what anybody else has to say about your unique beliefs, values, and how you choose to life your life.
It's none of their business.
It's yours and yours alone.
If you surrender yourself to the expectations and boundaries others have for you...
Your life will look exactly the same as theirs.
Is that what you want?
I didn't think so.
You have one life.
Make it the one you want to live.