The Real World Has Winners and Losers

January 23, 2025 1 min read

The real world doesn't give anybody a trophy for showing up.

The real world deals in wins and losses.

If you want the trophies in life...

The family.

The house.

The lifestyle.

The career.

The cars.

Any of it at all...

You have to win.

So ... Why would we condition the next generation to believe anything different?

Why would we hand out participation trophies and operate on the fake ideals that "everybody wins”?

It doesn't make any sense.

If you remove losing from the equation...

You remove the lesson.

When you remove the lesson...

You remove the opportunity to build the skills that it actually takes to win.

Losing is supposed to be hard.

Losing is supposed to be disappointing.

Losing is supposed to be frustrating.

But losing is a requirement for success because it will teach you a hell of a lot more about how to win than winning ever will.

You know what happens to the kids who grow up with the belief that everybody wins and they are deserving of a prize for existing?

They become perpetual losers in life who bitch, kick, scream, and pout about what they "deserve" instead of getting their asses to work and earning their share like the rest of us.

You have to lose in order to win long-term.

Let's start teaching the next generation what it means to be gracious in defeat while also extracting the necessary lessons to help them win in the future.

Teaching them anything else would be teaching them a lie.

Winners fucking win.

Losers fucking lose.

This will never change.


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