The Most Important Lesson in Life

March 20, 2021 1 min read

Andy leaving a jet

Growing up we all learn a lot of things. 

We learn what to do. 

We learn what not to do. 

We learn what will get you punched in the face. 

And we learn what will get your ass thrown in jail. 

When I sit back and think about it...

The absolute most important message I've learned is a no brainer:


In business...

In relationships...

And in life.

Along your journey, people will lie...

People will cheat...

People will steal...

People will pretend to be a friend to learn from you, then use that same information against you...

People will smile in your face with zero integrity, and wish bad upon you.

This is a FACT. 

It's not "if" it will happen...

It's "when" it will happen...

But in the long run...

If you stay true to yourself...

Focus on your mission...


You will ALWAYS win.


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