We all have a monster that lives in our head...
The monster could be anything...
Working out...
Following a diet...
Calling on the account you’re nervous to call on...
Having a difficult conversation with someone…
Whatever it is...
We all have one.
But the longer you let this monster live in your brain...
The more power you give it.
This monster is going to cause you to feel anxious, frustrated, and fearful...
Until you slay the motherfucker.
The reason you have days where you struggle...
The reason you have days where you don't feel like doing what you need to do...
The reason why you have days where you don't feel like getting out of bed...
All exist because you haven't taken action and slayed the monster.
Quit letting it get stronger, bigger, and scarier than it actually is...
Address the situation...
Fix the situation...
...and free yourself from the bullshit.
Your monsters only exist because you let them.